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Meine Lieblingsseite über den Islam ist die von Abu Amina Elias, auch bekannt als Justin Parrott.
"Abu Amina Elias (Justin Parrott) has BA in Physics, English from Otterbein University. MRes in Islamic Studies in progress from University of Wales. Current Researcher at NYU in Abu Dhabi." - https://www.islamicity.org/by/justin-parrott
Wissenschaftlich. Verliebt ins Detail. Islamische Quellen. Keinen Modernismus.
https://abuaminaelias.com/anti-islam-islamophobia-answers - Link funktioniert aktuell nicht
Hier Direktlinks:
Integrity of Islamic Sources
- Ethical worldview of the Quran LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Origins of the variant readings of the Quran LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Blind Spots: Origins of Western method of critiquing Hadith LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Can We Trust Hadith Literature? Understanding the Processes of Transmission and Preservation LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Tracing Transmissions: Accuracy of Sahih Muslim LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Give it a second thought: Dealing with apparently problematic hadiths LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Abrogated Rulings in the Qur’an: Discerning their Divine Wisdom
- Finding truth in the age of misinformation: Information literacy in Islam
- Methods of Islamophobic propaganda
- Is the stoning verse missing from the Quran?
- Why is Bismillah missing from Surah al-Tawbah?
Islam and Theology
- Case for Allah’s existence in the Quran and Sunnah
- Reconciling the divine decree and free will in Islam
- Why does God ask people to worship Him? LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Why do people suffer? God’s existence and the problem of evil LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Divine wisdom in allowing evil to exist: Perspectives from Ibn al-Qayyim LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Infinitely Merciful and the question of Hellfire LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Jesus: A foundation for dialogue between Muslims and Christians
- Parallel Sayings in the Bible and Islam
- The Ten Commandments in Islam
- People are created in the image of Allah
- Are Arabs the master race in Islam?
- Seventy two virgins in Paradise?
Prophethood of Muhammad
- Prophethood: Ethical and historical necessity LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Character of the Prophet LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Message of the Prophet LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Accomplishments of the Prophet LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Prophecies of the Prophet LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Miracles of the Prophet LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- How Prophet Muhammad rose above enmity and insult LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
Islam, Violence, and Terrorism
- Jihad as defense: Just-war theory in the Quran and Sunnah LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Purpose of armed jihad in Islam
- Defensive nature of armed jihad in Islam LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Comprehensive meaning of jihad in Islam
- Jihad against the soul in Islam
- Jihad is the sixth pillar of Islam?
- Offensive jihad in Islam?
- Dar al-Harb: Islam at war with the world?
- Verse of the Sword: Slay them wherever you find them?
- Fight people until they become Muslims?
- Do Muslims fight jihad to gain the spoils of war?
- Was Prophet Muhammad a terrorist?
- Did Prophet Muhammad assassinate his critics?
- Is torture allowed in Islam?
- Protection of civilian non-combatants in Islam
- Dangers of the Khawarij ideology of violence
- Is Islam a Conquest Ideology? On Jihad, War, & Peace LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- War, Islam, and the Sanctity of Life: Non-Aggression in the Islamic code of combat LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Most restrained in killing are believers
- Did the Prophet commit genocide against Jews?
- Hadith of Gharqad Tree: A good deed to kill Jews in Islam?
- Myth of Anti-Semitic genocide in Muslim scripture LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Do Muslims love death and long for it?
- Is Islam a death cult? Martyrdom and the American-Muslim imagination LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Suicide bombings are lawful in Islam?
- Why did Prophet Muhammad raid caravans in Medina?
- Did the Prophet accept presentation of severed heads?
Islam, Women, and Gender
- Women in Islamic law: Examining five prevalent myths LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- We used to have no regard for women: Gender equity and the advent of Islam LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- The Prophet never beat women, servants, or animals
- Does the Quran let men beat their wives?
- Islam and violence against women: Critical look at domestic violence and honor killings LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Islamic is not the cause of honor killings, it is part of the solution LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Islam and the abortion debate LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- And We created you in pairs: Islam and the gender question LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Is Islam a male-biased religion? LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Few women ever achieved perfection?
- Are women deficient in intelligence in Islam?
- Is feminism the problem? Why ideological band-wagons fail LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Balancing feminism, human rights, and faith LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Courage and commitment: Femininity of Muslim women LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Why does Islam allow polygamy?
- Should a Muslim man marry a second wife?
- What does Islam teach about concubines?
- There is no theology of rape in Islam
- Marital rape and domestic violence in Islamic law
- Sexual consent, marriage, and concubines in Islam
- Did Ali ibn Abi Talib rape an underage girl?
- Does Islam allow ‘thighing’ (mufakhathat) young girls?
- Does Islam support female genital mutilation (FGM)?
- Adult breastfeeding in Islam?
- Was Prophet Muhammad a pedophile?
- Pedophilia claim against Islam is false LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Does verse 65:4 encourage child marriage?
- Understanding Aisha’s age: Interdisciplinary approach LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Age of Aisha: Rejecting historical revisionism and modernist presumptions LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Woman behind the number: Irrelevance of the age of Aisha LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- True men, manhood, and masculinity in Islam
- Open letter to Muslim men: Sunnah trumps toxic masculinity LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Be a man: Constructing Prophetic masculinity LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Story of Hafsa and Maria in Surat al-Tahrim
- Sucking the tongues of children?
Islam and Non-Muslims
- All human life is sacred in Islam
- Islam is mercy for the entire creation, even enemies
- Religious minorities under Muslim rule LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Freedom of religion and apostasy in Islam
- Did the Prophet kill apostates who renounce Islam?
- Issue of apostasy in Islam LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Equal protection of law for Muslims and non-Muslims
- Cooperation with all humanity for justice in Hilf al-Fudul
- Are Muslims supposed to hate the infidels?
- Are Muslims only kind to believers?
- Can Muslims greet non-Muslims with peace?
- Force non-Muslims to the side of the road?
- Obeying the law in Non-Muslim countries
- Islam between blasphemy and extremism
- Pakistan’s blasphemy law and Non-Muslims LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- War is deceit? Lie to unbelievers?
- Taqiyya: Are Muslims allowed to lie for Islam?
- Playing the Taqiyya card: Evading intelligent debate by calling all Muslims liars LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Muslims not punished for killing non-Muslims?
- Expel Jews and Christians from Arabian Peninsula?
- Congratulating non-Muslims on their festivals
- What happened at Dhul Khalasah?
- Hadith Ghazwa-e-Hind: Invasion of India?
Islam, Science, and History
- Reason, logic, and science in Islam
- Islam’s contribution to science and civilization LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Evolution and human origins: Theological conclusions and empirical limitations LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Reconciling Islam and scientific evolution LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- When the earth speaks against us: Environmental ethics in Islam LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Does Islam accept the Jewish/Christian timeline? LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- How to be a mindful Muslim: An exercise in Islamic meditation
- Depression isn’t lack of faith in Islam LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- An Islamic perspective on methodological naturalism LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Did Adam’s children commit incest?
- Was Adam sixty cubits tall while on Earth?
- Does the Quran mistake Mary as sister of Aaron?
- Was Noah’s flood global or local in Islam?
- Thamud is an historical error in the Quran?
- Drinking camel urine as medicine?
Islam, Shari’ah, and Government
- Shari’ah in today’s world: Renewing Islamic discourse LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Shari’ah: From diverse legal discourse to colonial misrepresentation LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Shari’ah, Fiqh, and Islamic law explained
- Do Muslims fight jihad to impose a political system?
- Does Islam need saving? An analysis of human rights LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Islam is against racism and prejudice
- Application of hudud punishments in Sharia law
- Stoning and hand-cutting: Understanding the Hudud and Shari’ah in Islam LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Imam al-Subki on mitigating factors in criminal punishment LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Crucifixion and mutilation as legal punishments in Islam?
- Blood-money reform in Islam
- Who carries out Islamic legal punishments?
- What is the meaning of ‘eye for an eye’?
- What does Islam teach about slavery?
- Rights of animals in Islam
- Islam and the value of human freedom LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Islam and the secular age: Between certainty and uncertainty LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Separation of mosque and state in Islam?
- Is it required for Muslims to have one ruler?
- Have Muslim rulers become unbelievers by applying secular laws? LINK FUNKTIONIERT NICHT
- Did the Prophet try to execute a man without proof?
Success comes from Allah, and Allah knows best.
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