Jesus عليه السلام sagte laut mehreren Gelehrten des Islam einige schöne Dinge, die auch manchmal mit der Bibel übereinstimmen. Obwohl die genannten Gelehrten auf jeden Fall vertrauenswürdig sind, ist es nicht so leicht, sich bei diesen Zitaten zu 100 % sicher zu sein - GOTT سبحانه و تعالى, der Herrscher über Jesus عليه السلام, einen meiner Lieblings-Propheten, weiß es am besten.
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Wichtig: Jesus عليه السلام sagte tatsächlich "Allah"! Er sprach Aramäisch, und das Wort für Gott ist in dieser Sprache "Elah" (אלה). Spricht man es aus, klingt es wie "Allah" mit einem "E" vorne. Ein jüdischer Gelehrte hat ein 6-minütiges Video gemacht, in dem er das Wort "Allah" auf Arabisch, Hebräisch und Aramäisch ausspricht: youtube.com/watch?v=oYROeBmTBbw (ab Minute 4)

Imām Imād ud-Dīn Ibn Kathīr [rahimahullāh] überliefert: وَبَيْنَمَا عِيسَى يَوْمًا نَائِمٌ عَلَى حَجَرٍ قَدْ تَوَسَّدَهُ ، وَقَدْ وَجَدَ لَذَّةَ النَّوْمِ ، إِذْ مَرَّ بِهِ إِبْلِيسُ ، فَقَالَ : يَا عِيسَى ، أَلَسْتَ تَزْعُمُ أَنَّكَ لَا تُرِيدُ شَيْئًا مِنْ عَرَضِ الدُّنْيَا ؟ فَهَذَا الْحَجَرُ مِنْ عَرَضِ الدُّنْيَا . فَقَامَ عِيسَى فَأَخَذَ الْحَجَرَ فَرَمَى بِهِ إِلَيْهِ ، وَقَالَ : هَذَا لَكَ مَعَ الدُّنْيَا "Jesus schlief eines Tages auf einem Stein, den er sich als Kissen nahm, und war in schönem Schlaf versunken, als der Teufel Iblīs zu ihm kam und sagte: "Oh Jesus, du behauptest doch, du begehrst nichts von dieser Welt, und dieser Stein ist von dieser Welt.' Da nahm Jesus den Stein und warf ihn dem Teufel nach und sagte: "Nimm das zusammen mit der Welt!'"
Jesus, Ibn Kathīr, al-Bidāya wa an-Nihāya, Band 2, Seite 497, Druckversion: Dār Ālim il-Kuttub, Jahr: 2003) - kopiert von hier
Jesus, Ibn Kathīr, al-Bidāya wa an-Nihāya, Band 2, Seite 497, Druckversion: Dār Ālim il-Kuttub, Jahr: 2003) - kopiert von hier

In keinem Herzen des Gläubigen kommen die Liebe zur Welt und die des Jenseits zusammen, so wie Wasser und Feuer in einem Topf nicht zusammen kommen können.
Jesus, Sufyān al-Thawrī [gest. 161 n.H.], Ibn Kathīr, Qasās ul-Anbiyā
Jesus, Sufyān al-Thawrī [gest. 161 n.H.], Ibn Kathīr, Qasās ul-Anbiyā

Jesus, Abi ad-Dunyā, Dhamm ad-Dunyā; al-Ghazālī, Ihyā Ulum, ibn Asākir, Sirat

Wer auch immer Wissen gelernt, danach gehandelt und es geteilt hat; er ist derjenige, der im Königreich des Himmels großartig genannt wird.
- Whoever’s learned, acted, and shared knowledge; he’s the one who is called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #331
- Whoever’s learned, acted, and shared knowledge; he’s the one who is called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #331

Es ist leichter für ein Kamel durch ein Nadelöhr zu gehen als für einen reichen Mann den Himmel zu betreten.
- It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #477
- It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #477

Allah offenbarte Jesus: Mache mich zu deiner einzigen Sorge. Mache mich deinen Schatz fürs Jenseits. Vertraue mir und ich werde dir genügen. Nimm keinen anderen als deinen Herrn, sonst werde ich dich sitzen lassen.
- Allah revealed to Jesus: Make me your sole concern. Make me like your treasure for your afterlife. Trust in me and I’ll suffice you. Don’t take anyone else to be your lord, or I’ll abandon you.
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #474
- Allah revealed to Jesus: Make me your sole concern. Make me like your treasure for your afterlife. Trust in me and I’ll suffice you. Don’t take anyone else to be your lord, or I’ll abandon you.
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #474

Jesus kam an einer Gruppe Juden vorbei, die ihn beleidigten. Jedes mal, wenn sie ein böses Wort sprachen, antwortete Jesus mit Gutem. Simon sagte zu ihm: Wirst du denen mit Gutem antworten, wann immer sie Böses sprechen? Jesus sagte: Jede Person gibt das aus, was sie besitzt.
- Jesus passed by a group of Jews who insulted him. Every time they spoke a word of evil, Jesus answered with good. Simon said to him: Will you answer them with good each time they speak evil? Jesus said: Each person spends of what he owns.
Bayan wa al-Tabyin (v. 3, p. 166)
- Jesus passed by a group of Jews who insulted him. Every time they spoke a word of evil, Jesus answered with good. Simon said to him: Will you answer them with good each time they speak evil? Jesus said: Each person spends of what he owns.
Bayan wa al-Tabyin (v. 3, p. 166)

Vergib denen, die dir Böses angetan haben, besuche die Kranken, die dich nicht besuchen, sei freundlich zu denen, die unfreundlich zu dir sind, und verleihe an jene, die es nicht zurückbezahlen.
- Forgive those who’ve done evil to you, visit the sick who don’t visit you, be kind to those who are unkind to you, and lend to those who don’t repay you.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #480
- Forgive those who’ve done evil to you, visit the sick who don’t visit you, be kind to those who are unkind to you, and lend to those who don’t repay you.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #480

Jesus sagte: Was Allah am meisten liebt, das sind die Fremden. Er wurde gefragt: Wer sind die Fremden? Er antwortete: Jene, die der Dunya [dem Diesseits] durch ihren intakten Glauben entfliehen. Sie werden zusammen mit Jesus (mir) am Tag des Gerichts versammelt werden.
- Jesus said: What Allah loves most are the strangers. He was asked: Who are the strangers? He replied: Those who flee the dunya with their faith intact. They’ll be gathered together with Jesus (me) on the Day of Judgment.
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #468
- Jesus said: What Allah loves most are the strangers. He was asked: Who are the strangers? He replied: Those who flee the dunya with their faith intact. They’ll be gathered together with Jesus (me) on the Day of Judgment.
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #468

Jesus wurde gefragt: Wie kannst du auf Wasser gehen? Er antwortete: Durch Gewissheit im Glauben! Ihm wurde gesagt: Wir haben auch Gewissheit im Glauben! Jesus fragte: Glaubst du, dass Steine, Matsch und Gold alle gleich in euren Augen sind? Nein, antworteten sie. Er sagte: Sie sind alle gleich aus meiner Sicht.
- Jesus was asked: How can you walk on water? He replied: Through certainty of faith. He was told: We too have certain faith! Jesus asked: Do you believe that stones, mud, and gold are all equal in your sight? No, they replied. He said: They’re all the same in my sight.
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #332
- Jesus was asked: How can you walk on water? He replied: Through certainty of faith. He was told: We too have certain faith! Jesus asked: Do you believe that stones, mud, and gold are all equal in your sight? No, they replied. He said: They’re all the same in my sight.
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #332

Ein Mann sagte: Wie kann ein Diener wirklich rechtschaffen gegenüber Allah sein? Jesus antwortete: Die Sache ist einfach. Du musst Allah wirklich in deinem Herzen und deinen Arbeiten in Seinem Dienst lieben, deine ganze Mühe und Kraft anwenden, und barmherzig zu den Leuten deiner Rasse sein wie du dir selbst gegenüber barmherzig bist. Er sagte: Oh Lehrer des Guten, wer sind die Leute meiner Rasse? Jesus antwortete: Alle Kinder Adams! Und das, was du nicht willst, das man dir tu, tu nicht anderen an. In dieser Weise wirst du wirklich rechtschaffen gegenüber Allah sein!
- A man said: How can a servant be truly pious before Allah? Jesus replied: The matter is easy. You must truly love Allah in your heart and work in His service, exerting all your effort and strength, and be merciful towards the people of your race as you show mercy to yourself. He said: Teacher of goodness, who are the people of my race? Jesus replied: All the children of Adam! And that which you don’t want to be done to you, don’t do to others. In this way, you’ll be truly pious before Allah!
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #333
- A man said: How can a servant be truly pious before Allah? Jesus replied: The matter is easy. You must truly love Allah in your heart and work in His service, exerting all your effort and strength, and be merciful towards the people of your race as you show mercy to yourself. He said: Teacher of goodness, who are the people of my race? Jesus replied: All the children of Adam! And that which you don’t want to be done to you, don’t do to others. In this way, you’ll be truly pious before Allah!
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #333

Allah offenbarte Jesus: O Jesus, ich gab dir die Liebe der Armen und die Barmherzigkeit ihnen gegenüber. Du liebst sie, und sie lieben dich und akzeptieren dich als ihren spirituellen Führer und Leiter, und du akzeptierst sie als deine Kameraden und Anhänger. Dies sind zwei Eigenschaften von Charakter. Wisse, dass wer auch immer Mich am Jüngsten Tag mit diesen Charaktereigenschaften trifft, trifft Mich mit den reinsten und von mir am meisten geliebten Taten.
- Allah revealed to Jesus: O Jesus, I’ve granted you the love of the poor and mercy toward them. You love them, and they love you and accept you as their spiritual guide and leader, and you accept them as companions and followers. These are two traits of character. Know that whoever meets me on Judgment Day with these two character traits has met me with the purest of deeds and the ones most beloved by me.
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #327
- Allah revealed to Jesus: O Jesus, I’ve granted you the love of the poor and mercy toward them. You love them, and they love you and accept you as their spiritual guide and leader, and you accept them as companions and followers. These are two traits of character. Know that whoever meets me on Judgment Day with these two character traits has met me with the purest of deeds and the ones most beloved by me.
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #327

Zu viel Wissen vergrößert nur den Stolz, wenn du nicht auch danach handelst.
- Too much knowledge only increases pride if you don’t act in accordance with it.
- Too much knowledge only increases pride if you don’t act in accordance with it.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd of Imam Ahmad #328

Oh Allah, vergib meine Sünden, verbessere meinen Lebensweg und beschütze mich vor verabscheuten Dingen, oh mein Gott.
- Oh Allah, forgive my sins, reform my way of life, and keep me safe from hateful things, oh my God.
Bittgebet, das Jesus empfohlen hat, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #309

Jesus sagte zu den Jüngern: Wahrlich, ich sag euch, ihr begehrt weder diese Welt, noch die nächste Welt. Sie sagten: Prophet Allahs, erkläre uns diese Angelegenheit, denn wir dachten immer, wir begehrten [zumindest] eine davon. Er sagte: Wenn ihr diese Welt begehren würdet, dann würdet ihr dem Herrn der Welt gehorchen, der die Schlüssel für ihre Schätze in seiner Hand hält. Und würdet ihr die nächste Welt begehren, dann würdet ihr dem Herrn gehorchen, dem sie gehört, und er würde sie euch geben. Aber ihr wollt weder das eine, noch das andere!
- Jesus said to the disciples: Truly I say to you, you desire neither this world nor the next. They said: Prophet of Allah, explain this matter to us, for we used to think that we desired one of them. He said: If you desired this world, you would’ve obeyed the Lord of the world, who holds the keys of its treasures in His hands. Had you desired the other world, you would’ve obeyed the Lord who owns it, and He would’ve given it to you. But you want neither the one nor the other!
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #312

F: Was ist die beste Art der Anbetung? Jesus: Demut Allah gegenüber.
- Q: What’s the best kind of worship? Jesus: Humility before Allah.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #317

Nicht so, wie ich es will, sondern so, wie Du (Allah) es willst. Nicht das, was ich ersehne, sondern das, was du Du ersehnst.
- Not as I will, but as You (Allah) will. Not as I desire, but as You desire.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #487

Hätte der Sohn Adams [der Mensch] (wahren) Glauben im Gewicht eines Körnchens oder eines Atoms, dann würde er über Wasser gehen.
- If the son of Adam had a grain or atom’s weight of (true) faith, he’d walk upon water.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #317

Für den geduldigen Mann wird Unglück bald in Erleichterung enden; für den Sünder wird Erleichterung bald in Unglück enden.
- For the patient man, misfortune soon results in ease; for the sinner, ease soon results in misfortune.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd of Ibn al-Mubarak #848

Jesus stand mit seinen Jüngern, oder ein paar seiner Anhänger, in der Nähe eines Grabes als ein toter Mann gerade in das Grab gelegt wurde. Sie erwähnten die Dunkelheit, Einsamkeit und Enge des Grabes. Jesus sagte: Ihr wart einst an einem engeren Ort als das, in dem Leib eurer Mütter. Wenn Allah Seine Barmherzigkeit ausweiten will, dann macht Er es!
- Jesus was standing near a grave with his disciples, or with a few of this followers; as a dead man was being lowered into the grave. They mentioned the darkness, loneliness, and narrowness of the grave. Jesus said: You were once in a place narrower than this, in your mothers’ wombs. If Allah wishes to expand His mercy, He does so!
Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #302

Lege deine Schätze in den Himmel, denn das Herz eines Mannes ist dort wo sein Schatz ist.
- Place your treasures in heaven, for a man’s heart is where his treasure is.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad #313

(Der Mann, der Allah am meisten ergeben ist) ist derjenige, der sich abmüht Allah zuliebe, ohne dass er den Lob der Menschheit erstrebt.
- (The man most devoted to Allah is) he who labors for the sake of Allah without seeking the praise of mankind.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd of Ibn al-Mubarak 34/134

Ein Land ist verflucht, wenn seine Führer junge Jungen sind.
- A land is cursed if its rulers are young boys.
Jesus, Tabaqat al-Kubra (v. 6, p. 29)

Als die Stunde [des Jüngsten Tags] erwähnt wurde, hat Jesus immer in Qual aufgeweint wie eine Frau.
- When the hour was mentioned, Jesus used to cry out in anguish like a woman.

Vorzüglichkeit ist, gut zu denen zu sein, die böse zu einem sind; gut zu sein bedeutet nicht nur, zu denen gut zu sein, die auch gut zu einem selbst sind.
- Excellence is being good to those who are evil to you, it doesn’t mean being good only to those who are good to you.‘
Jesus, Tafsir Ibn Kathir 29:69

Eine Frau sah wie Jesus Tote zum Leben erweckte und die Blinden und die Aussätzigen geheilt hat und den Rest von seinen Wundern. Also sagte sie: Gesegnet sei der Leib der dich geboren hat, und die Brust die dich gesäugt hat! Also sagte Jesus zu ihr: Gesegnet sei derjenige, der das Buch Allahs liest und dem folgt, was in ihm ist, und in Übereinstimmung darin handelt!
- A woman saw Jesus restoring life to the dead and healing the blind and the leper and the rest of his miracles. So she said: Blessed be the womb which bore you, and the breast which suckled you! So Jesus said to her: Blessed be the one who reads the Book of Allah and follows what’s in it, and acts in accordance with it!
Jesus, Tafsir al-Qurtubi (v. 11, p. 32)

Sprich nicht oft, ohne den Namen Allahs zu erwähnen, damit nicht eure Herzen erhärten. Wahrlich, das harte Herz ist weit weg von Allah und ihr wisst es nicht. Schaut nicht auf die Sünden der Leute als wärt ihr Götter, schaut viel eher auf eure eigenen Sünden als ob ihr Diener wärt. Wahrlich, die Leute sind entweder krank oder gesund, also seid barmherzig zu den Kranken und preist Allah für die Gesundheit.
Do not speak often without mentioning the name of Allāh, lest your hearts are hardened. Verily, the hard heart is the far from Allāh and you do not know. Do not look at the sins of people as if you were lords, but rather look at your own sins as if you were servants. Verily, people are either sick or healthy, so be merciful to the sick and praise Allāh for being healthy.
Jesus, Muwaṭṭā Mālik No. 1821.

Sprich zu Allah viel und nur ein bisschen zu den Leuten!
- Speak to Allah a lot and only a bit to people!
Jesus, al-Hilyah (v. 6, p. 195)

Du wirst nie das Königreich des Himmels betreten bis du zweimal geboren bist.
Jesus, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad Shaykh al-Islam
Ibn Taymiyyah: Geburt ist von zwei Arten, eine davon ist die Geburt der Seele wenn sie aus der Plazenta des Nafs (böse Neigung) und der Dunkelheit der körperlichen Natur heraustritt. Quelle: Madarij as-Salikeen by Ibn al-Qayyim
Jesus: You’ll never enter the kingdom of heaven until you’re born twice. Source: Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah: Birth is of two types, one of which is the birth of the soul when it emerges from the placenta of the nafs (evil inclination) and the darkness of physical nature. Source: Madarij as-Salikeen by Ibn al-Qayyim

Wahrlich, die Vorzüglichkeit liegt darin, dass du gut zu denjenigen bist, die schlecht zu dir sind, und nicht, dass du nur gut zu denjenigen bist, die auch gut zu dir sind
Jesus, Tafsir ibn Kathir 29:69
29:69 (And verily, Allah is with the doers of good.) Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Ash-Sha`bi said; "Isa bin Maryam, peace be upon him, said: `Righteousness means doing good to those who ill-treat you, it does not mean doing good to those who do good to you.''' And Allah knows best. This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat Al-`Ankabut. All praise and thanks are due to Allah.

It was said that Jesus saw [the example of] worldly life in the form of a toothless old woman who had been adorned with all kinds of adornments. He asked her: How many men did you marry? She replied: They’re uncountable. Jesus asked: Well. Did they all die or did they all divorce you? The old woman answered: No. I killed them all. Thereupon Jesus commented: How miserable your would-be husbands are! How can they not take counsel from what happened to your ex-husbands? How can it be that you destroy them, one after another, while they pay no attention to this?! Source: at-Tadhkirah by al-Qurtubi

Malik reported: It reached us that Jesus son of Mary, peace and blessings be upon him, would say, “Do not speak often without mentioning the name of Allah, lest your hearts are hardened. Verily, the hard heart is the further from Allah and you do not know. Do not look to the sins of people as if you were lords, but rather look are your own sins as if you were servants. Verily, people are either sick or healthy, so be merciful to the sick and praise Allah for the healthy.” Source: Al-Muwatta 1821 Grade: Hasan Sahih (fair or authentic) according to Imam Malik

Ammar ibn Nusair reported: Jesus the son of Mary, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Blessed is he whose speech is the remembrance of Allah, whose silence is reflection, and whose observation is a lesson, who controls his tongue, whose house is sufficient, who weeps for his sins, and from whose evil the people are safe. O son of Adam, be disinterested in what people own and they will love you, be content with what Allah has allotted for you and you will be the wealthiest of people, love for people what you love for yourself and you will be a believer, do not harm your neighbor and you will be a Muslim, and do not laugh too much as it will deaden the heart.” Source: Tārīkh Dimashq 51199

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Jesus son of Mary saw a person he thought was committing theft.” Jesus said to him, “Have you committed theft?” He said, “Nay, by Him besides whom there is no God!” Jesus said, “I believe in Allah and I am mistaken.” Source: Sahih Bukhari 2368 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Bukhari

Wahb reported: When Allah informed Jesus son of Mary that he would soon be departing this world, he was disheartened by death and sorely grieved. So he called the disciples for a meal which he had prepared for them. Jesus said, “Come to me tonight, for I have a favor to ask of you.” When they had come together at night, he served them himself; and when they had finished eating, he washed their hands and helped them perform their ablutions with his own hands, and he wiped their hands and garments. The disciples regarded this as beneath the master’s dignity and they disapproved, but Jesus said, “Anyone who opposes me in what I do tonight is not from me and I am not from him.” They agreed and Jesus said, “As for what I have done for you this night, serving you at a table and washing your hands with my own hands; let that be an example to you. You regard me as the best of you, so let not one among you regard himself as better than the others; and let each one of you offer his life for the others just as I have laid down my life for you. The favor for which I have called you is that you pray fervently that Allah will extend my term.” When they stood up for prayer, wishing to prolong their earnest supplications, they were overcome by sleep and they were unable to pray. Jesus said, “Glory be to Allah; can you not be patient with me one night and support me?” They said, “We do not know what overcame us. We would stay up in the night for long prayers but tonight we cannot help but sleep. Whatever supplication we wish to make, we are prevented from saying.” Then Jesus said, “The shepherd will be taken away and the sheep will be scattered,” and he continued to lament his end. Jesus said, “In truth, I say to you, one of you will deny me three times before the rooster crows, and another will sell me for a few pieces of silver and consume my price.” After this, they went out each to his own way and they left him. The Jews then came seeking him and they seized Simon, saying, “He is one of his companions!” He denied it, saying, “I am not his companion!” Others also seized him and he again denied. Then he heard the crowing of a rooster and he wept bitterly. The next morning one of the disciples went to the Jews and he said, “What will you give me if I lead you to Christ?” They gave him thirty pieces which he took and he led them to him, but before that it became unclear to them. Thus, they took him after ascertaining that it was him and they tied him with a rope and they dragged him, saying, “You raised the dead and cast our Satan and healed those who were possessed. Can you not save yourself from this rope?” They spat on him and placed thorns upon his head. Thus they brought him to the piece of wood upon which they wished to crucify him, but Allah raised him up to Himself and they crucified what was made to appear for them. Jesus remained for seven hours and his mother and the woman whom Jesus cured from madness came to weep in the place of the crucifixion. Jesus came to them and said, “For whom do you weep?” They said, “For you!” Jesus said, “Verily, Allah has raised me unto Himself and nothing befell me except goodness, for this is something which was made to appear to them. Go now and tell the disciples to meet me at a gathering place.” There were eleven who met him and the disciple who sold him and led the Jews to him was missing. Jesus asked his companions about him and they said, “He regretted what he did, so he hanged himself.” Jesus said, “Had he repented, Allah would surely have turned toward him.” Then, Jesus asked about them about a young man who used to follow them named John. He said, “He is with you so go forth, for each of you will speak the language of a different people. Let him warn them and leave them.” Source: Tafseer At-Tabari 4:157 - dailyhadith.abuaminaelias.com/2012/10/04/at-tabari-on-christ-an-account-of-the-last-supper-and-ascension-of-jesus-christ

Mir ist grad nach Quran-Versen, die ich auf Wasser-Bilder packte:

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